Hey everybody! Here we have provided you with a sample resume!!! You can also check out our website in the blog section to download this template. Of course feel free to use any other templates, as long as they look neat and organized. For examples on what to put on your resume read the next few slides, it gives you some examples of what is relevant for most PhD programs. As always if you don’t understand a term or a part of the descriptions, please let us know :). Hope this is helpful, and see you soon on our first live tonight!
What to Include???
- Your full name and Contact Information (Email Address + Phone Number)
- Education History: Include the University, the degree you obtained, and potentially your GPA
- Work Experience: this includes research positions, or any other teaching/mentoring jobs that is relevant to your application;
- For each experience, give dates and a brief summary of your role and potentially the lab’s role
- Honors and Distinctions: any relevant important research/academic/service award
- Publications: Include the correct citation of your paper(s): title, author names, journal, year, Pubmed ID
- Languages: Do you know multiple languages? What about programming languages (C++ etc.)?
- Important Courses, Lab Skills: Do you know how to perform a PCR?
- Volunteering: Are you passionate about working for nonprofits? Have you done a free service?
More Tips:
- Use the same professional font everywhere (Times New Roman Size 12 or Arial)
- Watch out for double spacing (use consistent spacing, and do NOT put two spaces between your words)
- Don’t use too many colors (maximum 2)
- Don’t make it too long (maximum 2 pages)
- (For Pros) Make sure to have multiple items per section (Research Experience), don’t make a new section if you are going to have only one item in it.
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