Listening Practice We are back with your first listening practice!!! This should help prepare you for both TOEFL and IELTS listening questions, since they are also ususally around 2-3 minutes, after which you get to see the questions. Keep in mind you should probably take notes while listening, since usually a wide range of topics is […]

Emailing a Professor

Hi everybody, here we have provided you with a draft of what a good email to a professors. Before You email your potential advisor: Organize your CV or Resume, Make sure to read a few of their research papers and comment on it. Make sure to use correct grammar and make your emails formal!   […]

How to Find a Professor?

Hey everyone! Through this video we explain how to find potential professors to email and connect with. This can be very important, since if you have a professor’s support, you are usually more likely to get into the program of your choice. There are usually 2 types of professors. The first type is when a […]

Choose Your University with THE

 Hi again! We are back with our final website for comparing universities, the Times Higher Education (THE). Both THE and QS rankings provide international world ranking for universities, but they use very different methods. For QS the most important factor seems to be academic reputation carrying a weighting of up to 40% in their ranking, whereas […]

Choose Your University with USNews

Both US News and QS rankings provide very similar results, as they both look at the institutions’ reputation, faculty resources, student to faculty ratio, and employer reputations after the student graduates. The difference is that US News also looks at the institutions’ financial resources as well as their student selectivity (an institution’s acceptance rate), whereas […]

Choose Your University with TopUniversities

First things first, let’s find you a university. Here we introduce the topUniversities site which has various ways including national and international rankings through which you can search for your ideal programs and universities. You can find your own subject, and see university rankings in different years. You can also group your choices based on […]